Do My Competitors Matter?

Do My Competitors Matter?

“When it comes to pricing and value propositions for our association’s products, do our competitors matter?” That’s the question that we’re going to tackle in this article. For most associations, their number one pricing strategy is to analyze their...
Don’t Lead with Lower Prices

Don’t Lead with Lower Prices

Have you ever seen an ad that says, “New Low Price”? What effect did that have on you?  Did it make you want to purchase the item?  Or did it make you question why the price was lowered? In this article, we’re going to talk about the psychology of how...
Taking the Long Game: Strategy Versus Tactics

Taking the Long Game: Strategy Versus Tactics

Business men hopping from one chess figure to an other. Compete, challenge, winning and professional growth idea. Business concept illustration. How do you strategically approach a crisis and shift from an immediate-needs perspective to reflective, long-term thinking?...